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"Paroxetine is an agent in a newer class of antidepressant medication known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors approved by the FDA to treat depression. Paxil works by helping to restore the balance of serotonin - which helps reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Recent studies suggest an increased risk of Paxil birth defects for pregnant women during their first trimester."

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Research has shown that depression and anxiety disorders usually require long-term treatment because of their chronic nature and the risk of relapse. Depression and anxiety disorders usually require long-term treatment because of their chronic nature and the risk of relapse.

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"This drug must be taken regularly for a few weeks before its full effect is felt. Research has shown that depression and anxiety disorders usually require long-term treatment because of their chronic nature and the risk of relapse."

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"This drug must be taken regularly for a few weeks before its full effect is felt. Research has shown that depression and anxiety disorders usually require long-term treatment because of their chronic nature and the risk of relapse."

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"This drug must be taken regularly for a few weeks before its full effect is felt. Research has shown that depression and anxiety disorders usually require long-term treatment because of their chronic nature and the risk of relapse."

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